Posted on 1/14/2021

Top 7 Signs Your Vehicle Needs Brake Service Let's get one thing straight – keeping your brakes in proper condition is a matter of life and death. Literally. Unfortunately, brakes are generally very prone to wear and must be regularly checked and replaced if necessary. Fortunately, the signs of them being broken or worn out are usually quite clear. It's good to keep an eye on them. Weird noises Screeching, grinding, squeaking, whatever it is – if it's outside of the norm, have it checked. These sounds usually indicate that brake pads need to be replaced. When neglected, they may cause further damage to the system, resulting in pricey repair at best, seriously dangerous situation at worst. Vibrations They may occur in the steering wheel, brake pedal, or even the whole vehicle and usually mean warped brake rotors. Don't ignore them, even if they seem neglectable at first. Uneven braking If your car is not stopping as fast as it should, or its brake peda ... read more