Posted on 5/18/2021
If you own a vehicle long enough, eventually, it will leak one or more fluids. Usually, this will hardly be noticeable at first. Some leaks are serious, but fortunately, figuring out what the leak is can usually be done by color and smell. Here are a few common leaks and how to tell when you need to get your vehicle in for service. Coolant Coolant is usually green and is also known as anti-freeze. It is deadly to pets, so you cannot ignore a coolant leak. If you have a coolant leak, get it checked out immediately and follow the directions on coolant product labels to learn how to safely clean it up. Remember that coolant is vital for the smooth operation of your engine, so ignoring a coolant leak is asking for engine malfunction or failure. Oil Oil is black, usually, or if it is cleaner, it can be a very dark amber color. Oil is the most important liquid in your engine as it keeps your moving parts lubricated. Without it, the engine can abruptly cease to operate. Most oil leaks ... read more