Posted on 9/16/2021

Often, a tire blowout can be mistaken for and used synonymously for a flat tire; however, the two are entirely different. A flat tire is generally a slower pressure loss, whereas a blowout involves a loud and instant pressure loss. When a blowout occurs, you will hear an explosive, popping sound due to the pressure erupting from the tire. Another notable difference is that flat tires can sometimes be recoverable. In contrast, a tire blowout is NOT salvageable and undoubtedly requires new wheels. From what we've described, a tire blowout may seem scary (because it is). You may wonder, "what should I do in case this happens to me?". Gil's Garage has you back. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to handle a tire blowout like a champ. Continue to drive straight. When your tire pops, your vehicle will tend to tremble and lean in one direction. You will need to tightly grip the steering wheel and attempt to steer the car in a straight path. Even though you may ... read more